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1. Peace Games

Bando e linea: Erasmus + (KA2) 
durata: 2  anni (2021-23)
PI del progetto: prof.ssa Rita Bertozzi
Università, centri o altri partner coinvolti: FREREF, IIHL, Liceo Cassino, MEDE (Malta), DA2 (Spagna), FHJ (Austria), ESVN (Germania), UCA (Francia)

Abstract del progetto:

The Peace Games project aims to contribute to the development of citizenship, democratic and social competences by using the full potential of creativity through game-based learning in formal and informal learning. Peace Games originated within the Laboratory for Education Inspiring Peace (EIP Lab - and as an Erasmus+ project responds to the need of offering advice and orientation to the education community and to individual learners, by developing a structured review of existing games, based on a qualified analysis of learning objectives achievable, and a community hub to engage on peace-oriented online and offline games. The PEACE GAMES catalogue is a selection of 55 interesting digital and analog games relevant to teaching and learning peace and peace-oriented competences.

2. Exciite - Enabling eXtremely Creative, Inclusive, Inspiring Teachers for Europe

Bando e linea: Erasmus+- KA220-SCH - Cooperation partnerships in school education
Durata: 36 mesi (01/12/2021-30/11/2024)
PI del progetto: prof.ssa Chiara Bertolini
Università, centri o altri partner coinvolti: 

  • Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Italy); 
  • Fondazione Reggio Children – Centro Loris Malaguzzi (Italy); 
  • Fondation des Régions Européennes pour la Recherche, l’Education et la Formation (Belgium); 
  • Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem (Hungary); 
  • Örebro University (Sweden);
  • Fundacio per la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain); 
  • Istituto Comprensivo « A. Manzoni » (Italy) 

Link al sito di progetto:

Abstract del progetto: The Exciite (Enabling eXtremely Creative, Inclusive, Inspiring Teachers for Europe) project aims at improving creativity, inclusiveness, and equity in European schools. The ultimate beneficiaries of this project are the school pupils/students who will benefit from more inspiring and inclusive learning environments. EXCIITE addresses this aim by focusing on teachers’ competencies: it proposes a conceptual framework, concrete requalification paths for in-service teachers, and a set of methodological and organisational resources suitable to support the “creative and meaningful transition” of school systems. The EXCIITE project has a clear focus on supporting schoolteachers in their continuing professional development in these challenging areas of competence and preparing the ground for a renewed initial teacher training curriculum. In particular, the meaningful, creative and interactive use of digital technology to make learning more learner-centred, more inclusive, and more stimulating is an important component of this project, which will use and adapt the knowledge base and experience of one of the leading European actors in this domain, but also use the multilingual SELFIE tool to specifically address the teachers’ competences and the school digitalisation strategies. The project’s approach to social inclusion is rather focused on supporting each learner’s progress and achievements by building on the identification of specific strengths and motivation and therefore stimulating children’s agency as a key for social inclusion and learning achievement.


  • To design a series of training modules that combine into flexible and personalized learning paths based on a self-assessment tool designed to help teachers recognize their own training needs
  • To build a Hub for teacher training, consisting of a web repository of multilingual learning resources for teachers (building on what is already available in national teacher training agencies and at EU network level), to help them develop and practice creativity skills, learning innovation, self-regulatory learning, appreciation of diversity and social inclusion
  • To create an alliance of teacher education institutions capable of collaborating transnationally and supporting the exchange of resources and good practices in the field of in-service teacher education.

Link HUB Exciite:

Il Workshop è organizzato dal Dipartimento di Educazione e Scienze Umane, dall'Istituto Comprensivo “Manzoni” di Reggio Emilia e da Fondazione Reggio Children all'interno del Progetto europeo di Erasmus+ EXCIITE (Enabling eXtremely Creative, Inclusive, Inspiring Teachers for Europe).
Gli insegnanti in formazione e in servizio della scuola primaria e secondaria di primo grado verranno accompagnati nella esplorazione e nella sperimentazione della piattaforma di formazione online del progetto EXCIITE e potranno accedere a numerosi materiali educativi e formativi. Si chiede di portare un device (PC, tablet) dal quale accedere.

Il progetto EXCIITE  sostiene le competenze degli insegnanti europei proponendo un quadro concettuale di formazione concreto, utilizzando un insieme di risorse metodologiche e organizzative per sostenere la transizione della scuola verso un modello creativo, inclusivo e innovativo.

Quando: 15 Maggio  2024, ore 16.00-17:30.
Dove: aula 1.1 (primo piano) - Palazzo Baroni (ex seminario), viale Timavo, 93 – Reggio Emilia.

Ai partecipanti sarà offerta la possibilità di frequentare un workshop con gli atelieristi di Fondazione Reggio Children nel mese di Settembre 2024. In alternativa, per gli studenti del corso di laurea in Scienze della Formazione Primaria è riconosciuto 1 CFU tra le attività a libera scelta previa partecipazione al workshop e svolgimento di una consegna. 

Per gli insegnanti la partecipazione all'evento  è riconosciuta come corso di aggiornamento (Art. 1 comma 2 Direttiva 90/03). Ai sensi dell’art. 64 comma 5 CCNL 2006-2009 è riconosciuto l’esonero dal servizio, previa richiesta da parte dell’interessato al Dirigente Scolastico. 

EXCIITE: Workshop per insegnanti in formazione e in servizio