The Department of Education and Humanities is located at Viale Timavo, 93, 42121 - Reggio Emilia, in the city centre and is easily accessible:
- On foot, by bike, by bus
- From the train station at Piazza Marconi, 1.6 km away, Viale dei Mille (about 20 minutes) or by public transport
- By car (parking facilities in the area)
By Car
From the A1 Highway - Reggio Emilia Exit:
- Exit the highway and turn right.
- At the first roundabout, take the first exit to the right.
- At the second roundabout, take the third exit towards the city centre.
- At the fourth roundabout, go straight.
- At the traffic light, follow the road to Viale Timavo.
Viale Timavo is located at the beginning of the city centre, near Porta Castello. It is recommended to park your vehicle at the Cecati parking lot (free) or in the adjacent streets.
By Train
From the FS station, take bus numbers 1 or 7 (about 15 minutes).
The Department is open to the public from 8 AM to 7 PM, Monday to Friday. On Saturdays, it is open only for scheduled activities.
The Information Desk is located on the ground floor:
- Phone: 0522/523611

Direttore del Dipartimento: Prof.ssa Annamaria Contini
Ufficio 2.03 - 2° Piano - Palazzo Baroni (ex seminario vescovile) - Viale Timavo, 93 - Reggio Emilia
Ricevimento: su appuntamento
Vicedirettore del Dipartimento: Prof. Alberto Melloni
Ufficio: Ufficio 2.03 - 2° Piano - Palazzo Baroni (ex seminario vescovile) - Viale Timavo, 93 - Reggio Emilia
Ricevimento: su appuntamento

Department Secretariat - EDUCATIONAL AREA
Staff: Lara Pietri, Federico Pesaresi, Maria Galvagno
Office: 2nd Floor - Palazzo Baroni (former Episcopal Seminary) - Viale Timavo, 93 - Reggio Emilia
Reception: by appointment
Staff: Alex Borghi, Federico Pesaresi, Natalie Bolanos Corredor
Office: 2nd Floor - Palazzo Baroni (former Episcopal Seminary) - Viale Timavo, 93 - Reggio Emilia
Reception: by appointment
Department Secretariat - INTERNSHIP OFFICE
Staff: Maria Varga
Office: Office 2.06 - 2nd Floor - Palazzo Baroni (former bishop's seminary) - Viale Timavo, 93 - Reggio Emilia
Reception: by appointment
Department Secretariat - TECHNICAL OFFICE
Staff: Sergio Gallo
Office: Office 2.05 - 2nd Floor - Palazzo Baroni (former bishop's seminary) - Viale Timavo, 93 - Reggio Emilia
Reception: by appointment
The DESU has an interdepartmental library that, in addition to a wide paper collection, offers 16 online databases and 2 e-book platforms focused on education.
The Interdepartmental University Library is located at Viale Allegri, 9 (42121 Reggio Emilia).
- Email:
- Phone: +39 0522-523303
Library Opening Hours
- Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
- Saturday and Sunday: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM

The DESU has:
- 11 multimedia classrooms.
- 2 computer laboratories with about 60 computers, also used for educational workshops.
- 2 meeting rooms.
- 30 teaching staff’s offices.
- Rooms dedicated to PhD students, research fellows, tutors and visiting professors.
The department relies on an administrative office employing 5 permanent and 4 temporary staff units.
Aula | Posizione | Capienza |
LSM.1 (codice Uff. Tecnico RE-18-SM-003) denom. AUDITORIUM | Piano Seminterrato (P -1) | 99 |
L0.5 (cod. Uff. Tecnico RE-18-00-026) ARTIGIANELLI | P. Zero, in fondo a sinistra dopo ingresso principale | 99 |
L0.1a (cod. Uff. Tecnico RE-18-00-024) | P. Zero, in fondo a sinistra dopo ingresso principale | 49 |
L0.1b (cod. Uff. Tecnico RE-18-00-020) | P. Zero, in fondo a sinistra dopo ingresso principale | 49 |
L0.3 (cod. Uff. Tecnico RE-18-00-016) Lab. Informatico | P. Zero, a sinistra dopo ingresso principale | 80 |
L0.4 (cod. Uff. Tecnico RE-18-00-003) Lab. Informatico | P. Zero, a destra dopo ingresso principale | 80 |
L0.2a (cod. Uff. Tecnico RE-18-00-015) | P. Zero, in fondo a destra dopo ingresso principale | 49 |
L0.2b (cod. Uff. Tecnico RE-18-01-012) | P. Zero, in fondo a destra dopo ingresso principale | 49 |
L1.1a (cod. Uff. Tecnico RE-18-01-015) | P. Primo, a sinistra dopo ingresso principale, poi scale, poi sinistra | 49 |
L1.1b (cod. Uff. Tecnico RE-18-01-018) | P. Primo, a sinistra dopo ingresso principale, poi scale, poi sinistra | 49 |
L1.2a (cod. Uff. Tecnico RE-18-01-006) | P. Primo, a destra dopo ingresso principale, poi scale, poi destra | 49 |
L1.2b (cod. Uff. Tecnico RE-18-01-009) | P. Primo, a destra dopo ingresso principale, poi scale, poi destra | 49 |
L1.3a (cod. Uff. Tecnico RE-18-01-012) Lab. Informatico 14 | P. Primo, scala sinistra dopo ingresso principale, poi sinistra | 26 |
L1.3b (cod. Uff. Tecnico RE-18-01-022) Lab. Informatico 14 | P. Primo, scala sinistra dopo ingresso principale, poi sinistra | 49 |
L1.4 (cod. Uff. Tecnico RE-18-01-003) AULA MAGNA | P. Primo, scala destra dopo ingresso principale |
Study Rooms
Two study rooms (of 70 seats each) are available for the DESU students and accessible from the central atrium.