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Erasmus+ Traineeship Programme


Thanks to the Erasmus+ Traineeship programme, students can spend a period ranging from 2 to 12 months abroad, and can receive multiple scholarships for studying or doing internships abroad for a maximum of 12 months per study cycle. To access the programme, students must be enrolled in a higher education institution that provides a degree or other recognized third-level qualifications (including PhD) and to undergo clear and transparent selection. Participating institutions can be public or private companies, training and research centers.

Before departure, selected students must have:

  • A grant agreement, signed by the student and the home institution, valid for the entire mobility period.
  • A learning agreement with the specific internship programme, approved by the student and by both the home and the host institution.
  • An Erasmus+ Student Charter, defining the student's rights and obligations during the mobility period.

At the end of the experience:

  • For an internship considered as an integral part of the curriculum, the home institution is required to recognize all the credits using the ECTS system. This validation must be defined in the Learning Agreement, approved before the beginning of the mobility.
  • For an internship that is not an integral part of the curriculum, the institution can recognize the internship period as Diploma Supplement or provide an internship certificate to recent graduates.

Students will also receive a contribution from the European Union to support any additional expenses they may incur while studying abroad. Any additional funding obtained by participating students must be retained for the entire duration of their mobility.

Within the Erasmus+ Programme, the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia offers its students and recent graduates the opportunity to undertake an internship at businesses, training centers, and research institutions located in participating countries.

Selection criteria include:

  • Weighted average of exam grades 
  • Final exam grade (if applicable)
  • Language proficiency
  • Motivation and goals
  • Feasibility analysis of the professional mobility project (if defined)
  • Previous Erasmus experience
  • Previous experiences abroad

Eligible students also hold the Erasmus student status. It is noted that 1 credit corresponds to 25 hours.