The bachelor's degree ensures an adequate mastery of general scientific methods and content, even when oriented towards the acquisition of specific knowledge and professional skills.
The standard duration of the bachelor's degree is 3 years.
To be admitted, one must have a secondary school diploma or another qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable. To earn the degree, along with the academic qualification of "dottore," a student must accumulate 180 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits, including those related to the mandatory knowledge of a foreign language.
The Education Sciences program has a limited number of places and enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis, as indicated in the admission notice.

The aim is to create a professional and multifaceted educator capable of operating in various and specific educational contexts for social purposes, addressing different life stages (childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, adulthood, elderly).
This is a comprehensive and structured course that, in addition to classroom teaching, includes workshops, advanced seminars, and internship paths within various educational settings.