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Erasmus+ Study Programme


The Erasmus+ programme was established by the European Union to create a shared learning environment and to foster the mobility of students, teachers, and staff involved in education-related activities. Erasmus+ Study is specifically dedicated to higher education institutions, thus to the mobility of students and teachers at the university level.

The participation of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in this programme allows the exchange of students and teachers between universities in EU countries or those outside the EU with specific agreements. The mobility enables them to attend official courses abroad that will be recognized by their home university, to partially or entirely write their degree thesis, and even obtain a double degree, if specific agreements are in place.

Teacher mobility aims to analyze the educational organization of foreign institutions, arrange student exchanges and offer the possibility to hold partially or entirely official courses and/or seminars abroad. The University of Modena and Reggio Emilia signs annually an Institutional Contract with the European Commission, indicating all activities it intends to carry out within the programme. Bilateral agreements with each partner university activate mobility scholarships for students from different degree programmes.


Orientation Meeting for Mobility Requirements 

On Saturday, June 10th, a meeting was held to present the Memorandum and its Attachments (in relation to the internships). 

After a brief introduction about the functions of the DESU Erasmus Commission (not to be confused with those of the Mobility Office), 20+ scholarship winners were able to delve into some technical and procedural issues in a dedicated Q&A session about the upcoming mobility programmes. All details are in the attached video. 

Please note that another meeting will be held in January for the students departing in the second semester.