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Study Activities Abroad

Who Can Join

Eligible candidates:

  • Students, including the repeating ones, enrolled for the current academic year in bachelor’s or master's degree programmes of the Department of Education and Humanities.
  • First-year students, provided they are enrolled in years following the first at the time of departure.
Duration of Study Period Abroad

The duration depends on the destination and is defined in the Bilateral Agreement approved by the universities in question. 

Departures are scheduled as follows:

  • August-September for the first semester or the entire academic year.
  • January-February for the second semester.

The study period abroad typically lasts one semester. An extension can be requested to the DESU Erasmus Commission towards the end of the mobility, pending approval from partners and in compliance with their deadlines and those set by the Unimore mobility office.

Exams and Thesis

The type of exams that can be taken depends on the specific destination. 

Outgoing students must check the partner universities' websites. The recognition of exams depends on an 80% match between the foreign course structure and the Italian one (based on course contents and total of university credits). Thesis can be partially written abroad, in agreement with the student's supervisor in Modena and the professor in charge at the partner institution.