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Evaluation Questionnaires: It's Time to Give Us Your Feedback!

OPIS Questionnaire and Results 

The Student Opinion Survey Questionnaire (OPIS) is a tool aimed at gathering students' opinions to improve teaching, quality, and the organization of study courses. It is an integral part of the evaluation system.

For students, it is an important opportunity to voice their opinions and actively participate in their study program's life, ensuring better Quality Assurance.

Your feedback is very important, so we ask you to express your judgment on the courses you have attended by completing the online teaching evaluation questionnaire. The questionnaire is anonymous, simple to fill out, and allows you to highlight the strengths and weaknesses you have encountered in the department's teaching activities.

How to Do It?

To complete the teaching evaluation questionnaire, you need to visit and follow the path login > University services. On the page, you will find the list of courses you can evaluate by clicking on the "attending" or "non-attending" button, depending on your course enrollment status.

If you do not find the course you want to evaluate in the list, click on "Search for the teaching activity among those offered by your course of study".

For any difficulty you can write to .

When is it done?

For the teachings that were taught:

  • in the first semester the questionnaires will be available from 14/11 to 28/02. after this date the questionnaires will no longer be accessible. 
  • for annual courses or those which had lessons in the second semester the questionnaires will be available from 10/04 to 31/07
Do I have to do it?

Compilation is mandatory for all students who register for the exam for a course during the opening period of the compilation windows.

If it is not carried out, you will not be able to register for all the sessions following the end of the lessons. So:

  • for the courses of the first semester, to register for the exam sessions, it is MANDATORY to complete the questionnaire in the sessions offered in the months of January and February. In the sessions offered in the remaining period of the year, you can register without completing the questionnaire; 
  • for annual or second semester courses, to register for the sessions, it is MANDATORY to complete the questionnaire in the sessions offered in the months of June and July. In the sessions offered in the remaining period of the year you will be able to register without completing the questionnaire; 
  • please remember not to send emails to request the reopening of the completion windows as no office can do this.